

If you made it this far, you made it to the “Random/Useless/Fun Stuff About Sharon” page. I named it that because I couldn’t come up with anything else, and also because I think it’s funny if people try and say it. That’s the first thing you should know about me: I think I’m funny. (Sometimes, I truly am.)

Here’s a few more things you should know:

  • I still use the word “rad.” I find those three letters encompass so much.
  • One of my favorite quotes is: “Fortes Fortuna Juvat.” (It’s Latin. Look it up.)
  • My favorite color is green (as evidenced by most of my outfits).
  • I’m an Aquarius. (I have no idea what that says about me, but it sounds cool to say it.)
  • Some people call me Annie (my middle name).
  • I’m a dancer. I take class and I also teach kids. I also volunteer my time and skills in the community, by bringing free dance lessons to children in underprivileged neighborhoods. Here are videos of nationally renowned routines that I taught and choreographed: